Get Connected September 2021
We’ve partnered up with the Extension Iron County, Gogebic County Community Mental Health and Range Suicide Prevention Coalition to share a special promotion of community events and mental health resources available across the Gogebic Iron Range. “Get Connected in September 2021” raises awareness of September as both National Recovery and Suicide Awareness Month and highlights community partners who continually provide every resident with opportunities to be healthy and socially connected.
People who make frequent and positive contact with others tend to have better health. It’s not a far-out idea, but sometimes we may need encouragement or support to engage in social spaces and activities1.
“While we are very lucky to have access to COVID-19 vaccinations available in 2021, our county health and human services departments are still extremely busy, and this project seemed like an appropriate way to compliment their efforts,” explains Amy Nosal, Extension Iron County Community Development Educator. “COVID-19 safety considerations are still needed, and we are fortunate to live in an area that values being active outside, as is clear by the list of events featured in “Get connected in September 2021,” she continues.
The Gogebic County Community Mental Health Authority and the Range Suicide Prevention Council have been key partners in the “Get Connected in September 2021” project, providing directories of resources and events that aim to support and normalize mental health. These resources and events are highlighted in a poster format and shared broadly online. Additionally, for those interested in supporting mental health programs across the Gogebic Range, there is an invitation to donate to the Jonathan A. Erickson Memorial Fund managed by the Gogebic Range Health Foundation. This fund supports programs and projects that raise awareness of mental health conditions and the expansion of services for individuals and families who may need services.